Policies and Procedures

Employment Policies and ProceduresDoes your organization have an Employee Handbook or do your Standard Operating Procedures need refreshing or revision?

Hi-Point can develop an Employment Handbook or review yours to ensure that it is current with the latest regulations.   An employee handbook is an effective way to convey vital information about your employment policies and procedures, code of conduct and other expectations of your employees:

  • Properly orient new employees
  • Minimize misunderstandings over workplace policies
  • Establish guidelines for proper workplace conduct
  • Support disciplinary action and avoid charges of unlawful discrimination
  • Potentially reduce the need for employees to seek out union representation

Additionally we can customize policies and standard operating procedures for your company in a policy manual and help you maintain an up-to-date manual as you make changes to reflect organizational changes.  We can assist you implement new policy and procedure changes through periodic trainings or incorporating changes into your onboarding process.

Some organizations have a separate handbook for managers which spells out their responsibilities, code of ethics and expectations.  We can assist your company in either revising, updating or developing a manager's handbook and providing necessary training.

Certification – SPHR-HRCI

Woman Owned Business
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